The Buffalo Bills Beef Jerky legend continues to grow. Introduced in 1990 as our company’s premier product, Buffalo Bills classic Premium Hickory Beef Jerky, cut into bite-size pieces, is packed in an attractive and convenient resealable 2.6oz pouch - hole-punched and ready for hanging. Made in the USA, with American beef, Buffalo Bills whole-muscle Beef Jerky is marinated in soy sauce, seasoned with garlic, and black pepper, then "hung in the smokehouse" and hickory smoked to delicious perfection!

To view a close-up of the back of the pack, click here.
Buffalo Bills Premium Hickory Beef Jerky - 2.6oz Resealable Packs
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Product ID: JRW
Your Price: $7.34
You Sell For: $10.49/Pack (Suggested)
Your Profit: $3.15 (30.00%)
Unit Size: (1) 2.6oz Pack
Recommended Display To Use:
Plastic Clip Strips (view below)


Min/Max Order: 1 / 480

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Product Reviews

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Reviewed by BobCmacTools
10/15/2014 - 02:43:28 PM
good jerky!
I've been selling the country cut 3.5oz jerky on my route for a couple years and do real well with that. On one of my orders they sent me a free sample pack of the premium hickory to try so I added it on. It's become my most popular flavor. Will order the premium maple and the beer jerky on my next order.